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The Biennale d’architecture et de paysage hosts its second edition in Versailles with several exhibitions aiming to share knowledge and promote new practices emerging in architecture, landscaping and urban planning. The exhibition “Visible, invisible” questions the new architectures that originate from the rediscovery of materials and energy resources in the face of climate urgency.

“Lire l’invisible” (“Reading the Invisible”) is an installation produced by Atmos Lab, a consultancy specialising in environmental design and building physics. A dynamic projection displays the natural parameters of the exhibition space (La Nef) — such as temperature, daylight, and solar radiation — and their variation through space and time, mapped onto a 1:50 scale model. The design brings to light the environmental qualities of the exhibition space during the sunny and cloudy days throughout the four seasons, thus revealing the invisible factors impacting the building.



Versailles (France)

Installation by Atmos Lab

BSMD, Paris
Finsa MDF Fibracolour
Scto Grotesk by Lauri Toikka and Florian Schick, Schick Toikka
Styrene by Berton Hasebe and Ilya Ruderman, Commercial Type
1400 × 720 mm
(1, 2, 6) © Salem Mostefaoui
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